About HomePrep.co.uk
My name is Jason, and I will provide you with straight-forward, down to earth and practical Surveys; if you are buying or letting your home in Cornwall or West Devon.
From humble beginnings in the 1970's, where chewing on lead based cot paint was easier than hunting for lone Oxo cubes; I started out in life. After wrestling my way through most Saturday afternoons, I went on to enjoy 'Auf Wiedersehen, Pet', and in 1987 joined the local Youth Training Scheme (construction). Although it folded in my 2nd year, due to 'maladministration' (clearly code for 'someone was on the take') I learnt a lot, and did finish some trade papers.
The best YTS Instructor of them all was Ken Taylor, ex Royal Marine and definitely not on the take; he was an inspiration. He instilled in me the conviction - "all the shortcuts have already been found".
I worked my way up the construction ladder, 'on the tools' as it were; and later set about studying academic construction papers. I didn't take shortcuts to achieve them, and they weren't handed to me through the 'old boy network'. This progression has witnessed me undertaking surveying and housing inspection work for various parties, including local authorities, registered charities, the M.O.D; and private clients. It has also seen me put my best blazer on, to represent in Court, and act as Expert Witness in some cases.
This is how I first achieved a few letters after my name in 2008, and how come I am in the position to help you today. And I will help you. Please browse my website, and get in touch to discuss your project, I look forward to working with you. Thank you, Jason Shaw MRPSA, MCIOB, CBuild. E
No airs and graces, no shortcuts. I aim to provide professional surveying services through a down to earth, straight-forward, and practical approach. I aim to be personable and ethical, and commit to helping you when you need advice and guidance. I want my services to be affordable, reliable and efficient for you. I do try to go out of my way to help nice people, I call it the 'Oxo' principle.
Our Surveys